Sonntag, 17. August 2014




July was an extraordinary Month, full of experiences...
On one hand, it was the last for us in Bielefeld. We cancelled the rent three months ago, for the trip that we are planning.
On the Other hand, it was the Month when we celebrated a Feast! Our Feast of Love, and it was wonderful! It started at the City Town hall. The civil Registrar made a speech and there was a phrase several times mentioned, "journey to happiness" , it is like the puzzle-word missing to the description we are intending. The thing is, we already found happiness, and we will be journeying together as one with happiness in our hearts.
On that day, we were surrounded by truly loving People that made the Feast more Special.

The Journey in Happiness continues, we cleared our Flat and filled our Bags. The Feeling of letting go of the things and carrying what is just needed is really satisfying. We feel so enlightened and are now ready to move on to another JOURNEY.

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